


Growing Tips



Brought to you by forum member Paralyzed420

Lesson One: Germination

Germination is a natural process and needs little from us beyond creating the environment for this to take place. The seeds need to be warm, moist and in the dark, with air exchanged regularly. This can be achieved simply by placing the seeds in a clean glass of distilled water and placing that glass somewhere warm and dark. Perhaps overnight, or after up to 2 weeks, the seed will split and a tiny root tip will emerge.

Water will need to be replaced every couple of days.
Or, lay a couple of layers of moist paper towel on a plate, being careful not to let the paper towel lay over the edge of the plate. Place the seeds on top and place more layers of paper towel on top. Cover this with another inverted plate on top and put somewhere warm. When you lift the plate to check them, let the condensation that has collected on the lid to run back onto the paper towel and they shouldn't need to be wetted again.

When the shell has cracked or the root tip has just emerged it's time to plant them in whatever medium you intend to grow them in. Plant the seed with the pointy end of the seed up. The root tip will grow down into the medium and push the seedling up through the surface. The seedling will need light and air as soon as it comes through the surface.
The greatest danger in the early seedling stage is over watering. The tiny stems cannot handle water around them at all times or they will rot and keel over. Let the surface of the medium dry before watering to avoid this, until they have become larger and stronger.



Lesson 2: Vegetation Stage

After the germinating of your seedlings or successful rooting of your clones and all have been rooted well with a strong taproot. Its now time for the plant to go into the vegetative state.

Transplant all your “babies” into their final home to start the main growing and developing of the plant. The plants main objective during this stage is to grow big and strong to be able to produce and hold large buds. You should be running a 18/6hr light schedule for your plants. Very slowly introducing the nutrients and fertilizers a quarter strength to start until they can handle what is recommended.

You want to veg your plants up to a good sturdy height, remember your plant usually doubles during flowering stage as well so keep that in mind for space reasons. This stage is fairly easy just keep an eye out for bugs or over fertilizing your plants in the beginning. Vegetate the plants for as long or as little as you like, depending on the strain will determine on your final yield.


Coming Soon: Part 3: Flowering



